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Posts from the ‘Songs’ category

A Tale of Two Cities

Sergei Prokofiev, is one of the greats. He was a well known Russian, 20th century composer; often standard in classical repertoire, music history curriculums and people’s…

Rabbits and Royalty

No, before you ask, this has nothing to do with Prince William and Katherine Middleton’s upcoming wedding. To all those that celebrate, Happy Easter! And even…

61 Around the Sun

And so starts another month in the year 2011. Happy March. It’s the beginning of winter’s end, (YAY!) windy days and making lots of Irish soda…

Self explanatory?

There are some things in life that seem like “no-brainers.” Things that shouldn’t, by population majority standards, require any thinking in order to draw an expected…

Prodigious Prodigy

One can’t ignore the birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The 255th to be exact. In honor of one of my favorite composers and his brilliant repertoire,…