time to change the way we view music and the arts


about photo

Hello there, my name is Kira. Stay and read a while, won’t you?

Throw the Dice and Play Nice is here because it is important that individuals from all sides of the creative industries talk together about what’s going on, what excites, scares, challenges and motivates us – no matter what your preferred inspiration may be.

In addition to being a music journalist, I am a fully trained Performing Arts Administrator; courtesy of New York University. I have an undying love for the experience of buying albums from real life music stores -not through an online checkout that requires a credit card number. If I could, I would go to school for everything. Learning excites me.

While following and participating in my written quest to ignite dialogue and highlight unexpected connections between the sub-cultural groups of (not so) different artistic fields, you’ll probably notice I’m not like everyone else. That said, I enjoy not being “your average journalist” and it could be said that I don’t mind inciting a bit of trouble…

Events, (game-changing) news, intriguing artists, fascinating business strategies…let’s throw it all out there and see who will be brought together!

The arts are something that I don’t believe need to be labeled and divided by differing monetary objectives or traditional audiences.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Melissa

    Hey Kira! I found out about your work through Hannah Baiardi’s FB livestream show: Hannah’s Corner and am super impressed with everything that you’ve done through the music reviews, features, and interviews! Just wanted to pop in and encourage you to keep up the good work! I’ve been writing for a few small music publications and your writing has been an inspiration to me!

    • Kira Grunenberg

      Hi Melissa!

      Thanks for visiting, and for the lovely compliment! It’s really great to know people out in internetland came away from that installment of Hannah’s show with something good from my end – it was a lot of fun talking with her and sharing my perspective with her viewers.

      I hope you stick around, perhaps sign up for posts via email? (On the homepage).
      Material goes up regularly so you’ll always have something new to check out!



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